Announcing Ushahidi v3.0.0-beta.4 release!

Jul 24, 2014

Ushahidi v3.0.0-beta.4 is out! 3.03-2 Take it out for a spin on our demo site, but keep in mind that this is not ready for production, but we continue to get closer.

What’s changed?

When no messages are present, we now show a more friendly page

Message counts on tabs has been fixed

We’ve also updated the OAuth resource server with more accurate error responses

New architecture for all tags endpoints is now complete

Started work on architecture for media and post endpoints

The bin/update script now:-

Verifies the php version before installing

Installs npm and bundler dependencies

What’s New?

v3 install prototype
v3 install prototype

We’ve created an initial prototype of the installer. You can use ?install=1 to check that installation requirements are met

Users can now reply to SMSes via the Message page

(experimental) We’ve added support for export of posts in CSV format

(experimental) We’ve also started work on allowing database migrations to run from web, as well as command line


We’ve continued our series of blog posts about platform architecture. Here’s part 2 of what the Ushahidi platform looks like under the hood.

How Can I help?

Download and Install the platform

Set up a development build

Follow our developer processes to send in bug reports and submit changes.

If you’re not already set up on Phabricator, please head over to the Ushahidi Phabricator page and sign up. Once your account is approved, here’s a guide to get you started.

Join our discussions on IRC and the mailing list

Attention v2.x deployers! We need you!

We’re currently working on data visualisation options for v3. Are you interested in volunteering to see data visualisation tests on your data? We very much want to hear from everyone, but deployments with lots of categories and custom form data will help us identify problem areas. Get in touch with Angela Oduor and/or Sara Jayne Terp.  The more complex your data is, the better!

v3 features and toolkits discussion

We’ve talked a lot about the technical aspects of v3 in the last two meetups we had. Last week’s code walkthrough makes it a lot easier for developers to understand how things work internally. However, we have noted that some questions still linger:

What features are being built into v3?

What’s progress is being made on some of these features?

What features aren’t going in?

What’s the reasoning behind decisions being made on feature development?

What are we doing about toolkits?

Join us on 31st July, 2014 at 10.00p.m EAT | 12.00 Noon PDT | 3.00 p.m EST (See timezone conversion information) for a discussion around these questions. We’ll also record this session for those who can’t attend. In the meantime, stay tuned on our blog, meetup page, twitter, facebook page and wiki for more announcements, Happy v3 beta release day!!