Today is January 27th 2008. On this day last month, Kenyans voted in large numbers, with long queues in many voting stations. Late into the night on the 27th and early morning on the 28th, the votes were counted and the country waited for an announcement of their leaders. On the 29th, the parliamentary results trickled in amidst tension, little to no information from the Electoral Commission of Kenya; many political old guards being defeated in the polls and rising anxiety as most people started to feel like something was not right. On the 30th it was clear something was that something was definitely wrong. 'What have they done?'. The day wears on and Kibaki is announced as the winner of the elections. It is a sad day for Kenya. People are killed in various parts of the country, houses are torched in Eldoret, on the 30th and even more people are killed on the 31st (some by the military). January 1st, an attack at a church in Eldoret. A Kenyan Jurist contemplates the election petitions. Kenya is not the Kenya we knew anymore. Reuters has a chronology of events from January 1st to the 19th, including the mediation attempts of President John Kufuor of Ghana, and continued violence in the country. Continuing from the above chronology, using reports on Ushahidi and bloggers in Kenya: Jan 20th - continued violence with houses burned in Nandi Hills, Economic boycott announced by ODM Jan 23rd - Kofi Annan begins talks with Raila Odinga and Mwai Kibaki. A handshake and a press conference. Verbal attacks between the protagonists continue. Jan 24th - Aspirant in Cherangany seeking information that was supposed to have been given to him and others 48 hrs from Dec 28 by ECK, told to 'Go to the Headquarters' Jan 25th - Violence in Nakuru. A haven of Peace no more. The Kenyan Army deployed there to quell the violence, a curfew from 7pm-6am imposed on the town. Jan 26th - Update from Nakuru - more violence, fears of more militia arriving in Nakuru. **Continued thanks to the many contributors to We value your reports and the entries continue to give witness to what is happening to Kenya. Many thanks too to the peace efforts, humanitarian assistance, donation drives and the countless bloggers around the world.